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5803 обр. единици
Altbulgarische syntaktische Besonderheiten und ihre Ehtsprechungen im Neubulgarischen
Ztschr fur Slawistik
Altkirchenslavische (altbulgarische) Syntax. T. 3.
Altkirchenslavische Konstruktionen mit *imeti, *choteti / chъteti - Tempus oder Modus
Anzeiger fur Slavische Philologie
American Contribution to the Ninth International Congress of Slavists, Kiev, sept. 1983, vol. 1
American Contribution to the Tenth International Congress of Slavisits
American Contributions to the ninth International Congress of Slavists
American Contributions to the Tenth International Congerss of Slavists, Sofia, September, 1988. Linguistics
American Contributions to the tenth International Congress of Slavists, Sofia, September, 1988, Linguistics
American contributuons to the Tenth International Congerss of Slavistics, Sofia, September 1988. Linguistics
An Assessment of the Work of Cyril and Methodius
Journal of the Indian Centre for Bulgarian Stidies
An Early Slavonic Psalter from Rus
Analecta Bollandiana, 104
Ancient Bulgaria. 2
Ancient Bulgaria. P. 2
Ancient Bulgaria. Papers presented to the Intern. symp. on the ancient history a. archaeology of Bulgaria, Univ. of Nottingham, 1981. Pt. 1-2.
Ancora con Frantisek V. Mares
Ricerche Slavistiche
Angaben uber Kyrill und Method in russischen Hands. Chriften von der Sammlung von M. P. Pogodin
Mitteilungend. Bulg. Forschungsinst. in Osterreich
Anmerkungen zu den Kiever glagolitischen Blattern In margine des Buches von J. Schaeken
Anmerkungen zur Fragmentum Sinaiticum
Zeitschrift fur Slavische Philologie
Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU
Anthology of Bulgarian Poetry
Antology of Bulgarian Poetry
Anzeiger fur slavische Philologie. 18
Art compilatoire et technique de traduction dans l'homelie de Jean le Pretre sur la Bapteme du Seigneur
Полата кънигописьная
Atti dell' 8 Congresso internazionale di studi sull'ato Medioevo, Spoleto, 3-6 novembre 1981
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